howto: forms and spam rev 23 feb 2019 > form plugin | akismet | recipient spam folder ....................................................... form plugin: contact form 7 with really simple captcha ....................................................... akismet: * add to form: [text* your-name akismet:author] [email* your-email akismet:author_email] * let user know akismet is being used: - at end of form

This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your form data is processed.

- in privacy page see canonical - process-website-all-privacy_security_policy.txt ....................................................... captcha: Miyoshi now prefers Google's reCaptcha. I don't. Can use rsc shortcodes and will work. but won't show in the tag-generator. You can add a constant to wp-config and it will show. define( 'WPCF7_USE_REALLY_SIMPLE_CAPTCHA', true ); ....................................................... form submit going to recipient spam folder: Make the "From:" be the actual server name to prevent the mail client from putting in spam folder. Contact Form 7 error tool will complain, but it will work. [23 feb 2019] _______________________________________________________ since: jun 2018 -- 0 --